How your health impacts your finances.

Health before wealth is a great saying and rings true when it comes to yours. In the words of a wise old man saying“Get all your stuff done now while you’re young and have energy and good health to do it. Those same attributes such as drive, energy , and ambition may not be there for you to use in the future.

Naturally it is important for an individual to take care of his or her body. Unhealthy behaviors such as Drinking, smoking, staying up late , not getting any exercise have an enormous effect on your health and finances for years to come.
Case and point: Have you ever noticed a friend or any individual that you know take a lot of medication or go to the doctor or a chiropractor to get things done like surgery or physical therapy? I’m not against doing any of these things. My problem is when it gets to a point of dependency and it gets there because you are expecting to pay and things will be magically fixed. You cannot spend your way to a better body…

It’s a simple problem solver. If you have been proactive about your health from the start you would more than likely not need to do any of the things I just mentioned, Thus saving you money.

Eating poorly – That Dollar menu at McDonalds is cheap for a reason. No you are not getting over and no you are not saving. By saying this, I mean the ingredients that are in these dollar menu burgers, nuggets and whatever else has no nutritional value. You are only fulfilling your stomach and satisfying your taste buds. Your body in turn suffers a deficiency in nutrients due to this. This is a lesson I learned early on when I was in my early twenties while I was frequently eating out at fast food restaurants and wondering why I was not gaining any weight.
Being overweight not only makes you feel bad but also looks bad. There is a saying “Look good, Dress good,Feel good, ”. Being overweight leads to decreased confidence and when you don’t feel good about yourself you more than likely won’t be able to make sharp mental decisions. This causes a snowball effect of being lazy and will impact efficiency and productivity.

Spend money on a gym and healthier food and it can be tighter on your finances. But think about the long run effects. Hospital and medical bill ‘Health is Wealth!