What are the Investment opportunities in Africa?

Why you should Invest in Africa?

Population is exploding, over 50% of the continents population is under the age of 20 yrs. Total population of Africa is about 1.3 billion and about 17% of the world’s population.Did you know the worlds 10 youngest countries are all in Africa? Niger, Uganda, Chad, Angola, Mali, Somali, Gambia, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso. Please keep in mind Africa is not a country but a continent with a number of countries. Your youth is your future. There are on record at the present moment, 54 countries in Africa. Nigeria being the most populous as well as the largest economy in all of Africa

Why Africa id a Hotspot for Investors?

A list of  a few countries in Africa that are attractive for investors are Kenya, Egypt,South Africa,Ghana,Morocco,Ethiopia,Rwanda,Tanzania,Nigeria,Ivory Coast.Regardless what you have heard of Africa and investing there in my opinion it’s one of the most profitable destinations in the world

There is limitless potential for any type of business in Africa that you can think of. Need based such as Solar power, Electricity, Clean water, Logistics of trade from several different countries. Meaning the transportation of goods to and from other countries. Tourism is a great industry to start up and be in. There are so many other to name and for that reason alone should be a motivating factor in wanting to be a part of it. Just think of it this way, all of these potentials I mentioned are already established here in the U.S. and we rely heavily on them and they provide a great source of income as well as jobs.

Agriculture and Real Estate Opportunities

If you do it in Africa in one of the under developed areas, you get the chance to be that person to build that future historical game changing, life altering company. Agriculture makes up about 15% of Africa’s economy.

Emerging market room for growth in every area you can possibly imagine. Most other countries already have established businesses and monopoly’s here in America, meaning seats have already been taken as the business climate here is over saturated and competition is scarce. Africa Prime for building your business from the ground up and branding it in the process.

Real estate cheap. If you build it they will come. You have the opportunity here to develop here which gives you the most power. The power to bring your vision to life from scratch. You can get some land maybe build a farm on one half, build and live with your whole generational family on the other end Labor is cheap and negotiable of course.

Bridging the Gap with the Continent:

We need to bridge the gap between Africans in the diaspora. This is the missing link for all Africans in the diaspora to rise and become competitive in the Global market and economy.Africa is not without its own problems. Problems such as corruption runs rampant. Creating dialogue and an understanding with the locals when African higher up officials approve deals could be better. I think when all deals are done, before they are done. All parties higher up officials as well as local tribesman leaders of villages need to sit down and negotiate a plan or business deal that always include African ownership attached to whatever deal there is. Poor infrastructure is a major impediment to overall objectives and goals and should prioritize above all other things. When Africa is at its best and doing great all Africans across the diaspora will do great as well.

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)

African free trade agreement. – aims to, among several other cardinal objectives, create a single market for goods and services and facilitate the free movement of people, capital, goods and services. This block will be the world’s largest free trade area. The free trade agreement is a great step in the right direction for the continent. The biggest challenge is Africa’s infrastructure and this also presents a major investing opportunity as well. Africa is in need of a yearly investing of about $200 billion in order to keep pace with the world. This Shortfall is a great investment opportunity which China has started to make moves on all over the continent. For instance Ghana just recently closed a deal with China $10 billion dollars. Ghana will give up 5% of its bauxite in exchange for a number of infrastructure projects like expanding the rail network and building new roads and bridges. Just in case you don’t know what bauxite is. Bauxite is the ore of aluminum used to make things like cars, airplanes, and some types of cement.

What are the future Opportunities?

If you are unsure of where to start and where to even have an idea link up with an African friend and have them host you in their country. Your Money will go much farther in Africa when it comes to investing. Your insight and education will start only with a visit. Only then will you begin to peel back all of the negative views, thoughts and propaganda and start to see the true potential and the real opportunities that lie within the continent of Africa. Black Americans you better claim your stake in what you are the essence of and to Africans create, build and link policies so that all Africans from the diaspora can come back home to help build. I think that majority of us want to but have not been educated and have only been educated about Africa through media here in America. When Africa rises the Africans from the diaspora rises with it.